D1, 2016

Medium: Recycled light fixture and electronics

Dimensions: 60 x 117 x 10cm

The Diffuser Series Electronic Light Art Including Sound Responsive Pieces

The Diffuser Series are made from recycled lighting fixtures and turned it into an artwork by adding light and a bespoke interactive circuit. This is the first in the series so it’s not sound reactive, but the rest of the pieces are. They use a microphone to collect sound data and then converts the data into a light animation. They respond to the sound that a viewer creates and also react to live or recorded music, changing over time creating a dynamic effect. The works are immediately engaging to a viewer as there is a direct relationship to the sound they are making and the lighting of the pieces creating an instant and playful connection between the viewer and the artwork.


D2/D3 Hybrid, 2016


Polygon, 2015